L'Ecole Lémania vous aide à profiter de votre été, tout simplement.

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International Summer Camp- Lemania

One of a kind

Lemania Summer Camp is a unique summer school, allowing its students to have both a real, active and quality English program, as well as sports, cultural and artistic activities.

International Summer Camp - Lemania

Language courses

The main objective is to teach in the most efficient way and to give the most exciting and complete courses possible, where young people are not bored.

You can choose the English (or French) language course in three versions :

  • the Lemania Intensive English program with 15 hours or 20 hours of language classes per week given in the morning.
  • the Lemania Intensive French program with 15 or 20 hours of language courses per week in the morning.
  • the IELTS program offering a preparation for the IELTS exam (International English Language Testing System) through an intensive English language stay and entertaining leisure activities, all in an exceptional setting in Switzerland.

The English or French course can be taken within our summer camp as a boarder but also as a day student.

Each afternoon is dedicated to sports or cultural activities.

More on the official website of the Summer Camp
International Summer Camp - Lémania

14 activities per week

Activities in the Swiss mountains: hiking, walking, biking, photography, nature …

Activities in Lake Geneva: paddle, swimming, sailing, windsurfing …

Cultural: Aquatis, UN, Red Cross Museum, Chaplin Museum, Chillon Castle, Olympic Museum, Nestlé Museum …

Sports: bubble soccer, volleyball, basketball, soccer, golf, dance …

Leisure activities: shopping, escape room, karting, archery, visits of Geneva, Bern, Evian, Zürich, paintball, laser game, aquaparc …

More on the official website of the Summer Camp

Director of the International Summer Camp

The director and his team design and run the International Summer Camp. Throughout your stay, he is responsible for the quality of the camp and ensures that students can learn and have fun safely.

The director and his team answer some questions about Lemania International Summer Camp.

Director's interview
Elèves arrivant au campus urbain. Students entering urban campus

Student Life in our Lausanne downtown campus

Located in the heart of Lausanne, Ecole Lemania benefits from a dynamic environment connected to city life. In this vibrant city, where museums, theatres and restaurants coexist, students can draw positive energy for their academic career.

At Lemania, inspiration is not limited to classrooms. The city, recognized for its commitment to creativity, research and sport as the Olympic capital, offers an ideal setting for the personal and academic development of students.

Whether you aspire to join a specialised university (HES), obtain a bachelor’s degree in a Swiss university or aim for more specific sectors such as high school maturity or professional maturity, Lemania supports you on your journey. Thanks to a solid teaching program and a competent teaching team, you will be prepared for the required entrance exams and maturity exams.

In addition, thanks to close links with the local socio-economic fabric, students have access to opportunities for professional experience and practical training, which strengthens their academic and professional career.

Visit our campus
Lemania School

Ask for a personal advice

Director of the Language Section and Summer Camp

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Visit the Lemania planet

Ecole Lemania offers a diverse range of training that opens up vast prospects for the future. Whether to access university or to enter directly into the job market, our institution offers several access routes adapted to the needs and aspirations of each individual. Indeed, our educational offer includes varied programs allowing you to achieve different levels of studies and qualifications.

For those aspiring to pursue university studies, our school offers preparatory courses for admission exams to Swiss higher education institutions, whether the federal maturity exam or the gymnasium maturity certificate. These intensive programs are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to pass these demanding entrance exams.

If you want to enter the professional world directly, we offer specialised training in various fields. It is also possible to combine professional training and higher education through our work-study programs, which offer students the opportunity to gain practical experience while continuing their studies.

To facilitate the transition between the different educational paths, preparation and refresher courses are offered to students, in order to help them consolidate their knowledge and prepare themselves as best as possible for their future studies or their entry into the professional world. Bridges are also possible between the different streams.
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