L'Ecole Lémania vous oriente, tout simplement.

RAC - Ecole Lémania

The decisive step

You have completed your compulsory schooling, but you don’t like the choices that are open to you. Lemania School can offer you several solutions to help you reach your goals.

Elèves de pré-maturié à l'Ecole Lémania. Pre-maturity students at Lemania.

Raccordement (RAC)

Do one year of gymnasium connection to successfully enter the cantonal high schools. The Lemania School offers a preparatory class called Raccordement, intended for candidates for the entrance exams to Maturité or general culture schools.

The Raccordement year is special because the emphasis is placed on the examination branches, namely: mathematics, French, English, German.
There are two major advantages to being connected to the high-school curriculum:

The Raccordement is a full academic year with the aim of consolidating knowledge, filling in gaps and restoring confidence to students who wish to undertake academic studies.

The pace of work is sustained. The Raccordement class allows candidates to acquire the method and approach required at the high-school level.

Elèves en semestre de pré-maturité à l'Ecole Lémania. Pre-maturity students at Lemania.

Pre-maturité semester

It is a semester of knowledge revision in order to prepare for the Swiss Maturité, the French Baccalaureate or a business diploma. Pre-maturité allows students to consolidate their foundations, to acquire a working method and to choose their path.

The training lasts 6 months.

Pre-maturité courses start at the end of August, but it is possible to integrate a group during the course of the training (after discussion with the person in charge of studies).


Consolidation semester: French, sciences, mathematics, economic and social sciences, moral and civic education, digital sciences, history-geography, physics-chemistry, physical education, and two foreign languages of your choice (English, German, Spanish, Italian).


Throughout the pre-maturité course, students follow an intensive English course to acquire a good knowledge of English, which is necessary for further studies.

Olga Theofanidis, Directrice Section Maturité - Bac - Etudes secondaires

Olga Theofanidis, Director of Rac and Preparatory classes

Throughout your curriculum in Lemania, Olga Theofanidis will make sure to maximize your chances of success. As Director of the Maturity/Bac/Secondary Education Section, she is the guarantor of the quality of your preparatory class and ensures that you can express your full potential.

She answers a few questions about the Connection and the Pre-maturité semesters.

Olga Theofanidis' interview
Classe préparatoire BI à Lémania. Pre-IB class at Lemania

Preparatory/Pre-IB Class

The Preparatory / Pre-IB Class is designed for students who are looking to improve their level of proficiency in English, mathematical reasoning, experimental sciences, and the humanities while maintaining a balance between academic and social aspects. The Preparatory Class is a one-year program leading to the Diploma Program.

The Diploma Program / IB1 & IB2 is a balanced and demanding educational program that ends with final exams. It prepares students for success at university and throughout their lives. It is designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of students. This program has gained wide recognition and is universally respected.

Giovanna Crisante, IBDP Coordinator

Throughout your time at Lemania, Giovanna Crisante will ensure that you can express your full potential. As the IBDP Coordinator, she is in the best position to prepare you for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

She answers some questions about the Diploma Programme preparatory classes.

Giovanna Crisante's interview
Elèves arrivant au campus urbain. Students entering urban campus

Student Life in our Lausanne downtown campus

Located in the heart of Lausanne, Ecole Lemania benefits from a dynamic environment connected to city life. In this vibrant city, where museums, theatres and restaurants coexist, students can draw positive energy for their academic career.

At Lemania, inspiration is not limited to classrooms. The city, recognized for its commitment to creativity, research and sport as the Olympic capital, offers an ideal setting for the personal and academic development of students.

Whether you aspire to join a specialised university (HES), obtain a bachelor’s degree in a Swiss university or aim for more specific sectors such as high school maturity or professional maturity, Lemania supports you on your journey. Thanks to a solid teaching program and a competent teaching team, you will be prepared for the required entrance exams and maturity exams.

In addition, thanks to close links with the local socio-economic fabric, students have access to opportunities for professional experience and practical training, which strengthens their academic and professional career.

Visit our campus
Image générale de l'internat. General picture of the boarding school

Boarding and catering

In the heart of Lausanne, Ecole Lemania has a welcoming boarding school for girls and boys from the age of 15.

In this boarding school, students benefit from a serene and comfortable living environment, conducive to concentration and well-being. They are supervised by qualified in-house teachers, available to support them in their studies and promote their personal development.

Whether for internal or external students, the school also offers quality catering, with meals prepared in the establishment’s kitchens under the supervision of a dedicated chef.

Visit the Boarding School
Elève Lémania en confiance. Trusting Lemania Student

Lemania's promise


Our ambition is not only to ensure the student’s success in the exam, but also to provide him/her with the skills and work methods that will help him/her throughout his/her studies.


For many years, Lemania School has been able to rely on a dedicated teaching team that is strongly involved in the success of their students.


We are committed to maintaining a constructive dialogue with parents and students. This is how our approach becomes proactive.


We set up clear rules and a continuous pedagogical follow-up thanks to online information in real time. We want all the steps proposed to the students to be easily identifiable and understandable.


Our goal is to ensure that the time spent at school is profitable. This is why we consider after-school care particularly important: supervised studies and individualized coaching are part of our school’s offer.

Visit the Lemania planet

Ecole Lemania offers a diverse range of training that opens up vast prospects for the future. Whether to access university or to enter directly into the job market, our institution offers several access routes adapted to the needs and aspirations of each individual. Indeed, our educational offer includes varied programs allowing you to achieve different levels of studies and qualifications.

For those aspiring to pursue university studies, our school offers preparatory courses for admission exams to Swiss higher education institutions, whether the federal maturity exam or the gymnasium maturity certificate. These intensive programs are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to pass these demanding entrance exams.

If you want to enter the professional world directly, we offer specialised training in various fields. It is also possible to combine professional training and higher education through our work-study programs, which offer students the opportunity to gain practical experience while continuing their studies.

To facilitate the transition between the different educational paths, preparation and refresher courses are offered to students, in order to help them consolidate their knowledge and prepare themselves as best as possible for their future studies or their entry into the professional world. Bridges are also possible between the different streams.
Raccordement & Preparatoires / Rac & Preparatory - Downlaod Center